North of Velkaria and West of Landonia lies the Badlands, an area so hostile to life that most dare not visit. Throughout the Badlands there are thriving trade cities protected by walls and Arktech, surrounded by a wasteland full of ruins and ash. Many smaller settlements survive in Eolian caves and rock shelters, hidden from airships and well defended. Outside of the city walls there are packs of scavengers, raiders, cannibals, survivalists, Mechramancy creations, and feral undead. The environment is harsh and unpredictable, with swirling blue aether storms that sweep through and create havoc. The landscape is a mixture of petrified wood forests, caves and ravines, rock spires, wastelands, and fields full of the bones of immense beasts. The Badlands has been used as a penal colony for undesirables from all over Eldross as well as serving as a haven for those fleeing their problems in other lands. No matter where one’s ancestry started, life in the Badlands will demand its price and leave a mark on its people.
Cities and Towns
Within the Badlands a walled city is life, and there are several cities of note:
This town borders the sea to the south. With their access to Airships, railways, and trade Calypso quickly grew to become the Capital city. It is a hub of activity connecting many of the cities and trade routes together. This is the most heavily guarded and fortified city with representation of each faction and guild available as well as honoring visitor guilds and Embassies. In Badlander, that means no fightin’ there, even if they smell funny. Anyone is welcome to enter Calypso regardless of affiliation or status so long as they have goods to trade and don’t start trouble. Troublemakers will be dealt with swiftly and without any mercy. The ruins of Mael are nearby, and Mayor Sraes will often hire people to explore the ruins for the many treasures hidden within.
Relic is a hidden underground city known for its ancient structures that remain intact, believed to be warded against earthquakes and fire. Glyphs and markings cover every wall and doorway though the meaning of the markings remains a mystery. Relic is known to be the home of Fir’na’goth, the School of Flameweavers.
A spread out city within rock shelters where the Petrified forest meets Cragsmoor. The geography channels rainstorms through here allowing for an elaborate rain collection system. Illmoor has a large hydroponic garden and is a major food provider for many of the other cities. Citizens of Illmoor are often in conflict with Cannibals and see them as an enemy.
A city in the boneyard. Most of Blackridge is covered in bone debris and camouflaged from above, with shallow tunnels and roofed walkways made of bone. Blackridge is a crossroads town formed where trade routes converged, but several of those routes were abandoned as those cities fell. Blackridge is lacking strong leadership and is one of the poorest cities in Badlands, and most residents fend for themselves.
The closest city to the Magma lakes and the air is always hazy even with filtration. It’s a mining town rich in minerals and is a prominent trade source for Essential Fire. The smiths trained in Cinderun are the most sought after in all of Badlands.
A city near the Farewell that grew out of a need to settle disputes with violence without defiling the sacred ground nearby. Its most notable feature is a large battle arena with small channels that drain outwards stained dark with dried blood. In times of peace the battle arena is used for gladiator combat, training exercises, and gambling. Condotto has a training Academy here.
Places of Note
The Conflagration
Also called simply the Lakes, it is an active source for essential magma. These hot lakes are highly combustible and unstable. The air around the lakes is full of ash, and magma that has cooled on the surface is often mistaken for solid ground.
Mount Lakun
This is an active but quiet volcano. The last eruption wiped out most of the population and shaped and created the Badlands as we know it today. It is located near the Lakes.
Ruins of Mael
Once a vast fortress, it is now crumbled ruins, haunted by those who perished here. It is believed to be cursed.
The Boneyard
Exactly as named, the boneyard is a vast collection of bones and fossils from all size creatures, including massive ones. Nobody knows how they were all collected into this space or what killed them. This is a good place for harvesting alchemy ingredients, particularly mushrooms and fungus.
This is a maze of rocky spires, boulders, and caves. It is home to a strong clan of cannibals.
The Active Malformation
An area rich in magic to dangerous levels, which generates storms and strong winds that sweep the Badlands.
The Farewell
This is an open expanse of land speckled with the remnants of small huts, shelters, shrines, and fire pits scattered about. In the past when mortals were hunted, enslaved, and many turned on the people of Badlands as abominations, powerful rituals of Umbra were used to obfuscate large cities. Brave members of each city voluntarily moved to the Farewell to make themselves a target and keep the cities safe, knowing their lives were sacrificed and determined to go down fighting. The Farewell was targeted and preyed upon by outsiders who mistook it for a real city establishment. Currently it is a place of reverence and remembrance of those who were slain or taken. It is considered bad form and disrespectful to fight here and is often used as neutral ground for meetings and negotiations.
The Oasis of Resolve
This oasis can only be reached by traveling across very harsh terrain often taking weeks to find. The dark waters here are said to refresh and rejuvenate travelers, and provide them with the will to continue on. The air contains flecks of violet. It is believed that the refreshing qualities of this place may have a very different effect on those closely associated with Astra. All attempts to build a settlement here have failed.
The Cliff
The common name in the Badlands for the giant natural cliff that divides the Badlands from Landonia. Some Badlanders try to scale it for the challenge, and are often shot at by Landonian guards who are more than happy to toughen up the odds.
Natural Resources
The Badlands is not a place known for natural resources, as most everything there is a resource to be scavenged, stolen, or rigged to become something useful. Bodies, people, any kind of metal, wood or earth is useful. There are, however, two very unique forms of magical phenomena known to the land.
Mechra Magma
Found primarily in the lakes at the Conflagration, this strange substance can appear solid at times but will instantly turn to a liquid like substance at a moments notice. Its primary use is that it has been known to melt or burn most anything enough to reshape it into new useful parts. Flameweavers can direct Mechra Magma with Mechramancy.
Essential Ash
Ironically enough, essential Ash can be used to grow things, especially things that are dying. In a land where most everything dies or is dead, the ability to grow plants is valuable. The plants grown from this Ash are known to mutate, however, and can sometimes produce massive fruit, or sometimes change the plant into a meat eating disaster. Flameweavers can summon using essential Ash with Mechramancy.
Magic and Technology
Most forms of magic are accessible, but not all are trusted. Luminmancy and Gaiamancy are very rare to encounter, with the most used magic being Mechramancy. It is common to see citizens of the Badlands augmented or changed by Mechramancy, especially those who seek to survive outside of city walls. There are no laws limiting the use of magic, but using harmful magic on someone with the status and power to retaliate will have consequences.
ArkTech is a common name for creations that combine common practical Maker skills with Mechramancy to create makeshift items for survival. In the Badlands, ArkTech is usually made from a combination of pirated items from Corbin and Landonia, and includes comm devices, railways, and glowing lights within cities. Outside of the city walls the most common technology are ArkTech vehicles and weapons such as flamethrowers and artillery.
Out of necessity the Badlands has recently excelled at Airships – stealing them, piloting them, repairing them, and engineering them. While an airship from overhead is seen with fear, an airship under your feet is an opportunity.
The People of the Badlands
The mortal people of Badlands are rough, grungy humans with torn clothing that shows the difficulty of survival in the wastes. They wear whatever they can steal or patch together, often starting with the clothing of nearby Landonia or Velkaria. Mortal children are rare and fiercely protected, with a large number of the populace being Risen.
The Risen appear as a combination of Mechramancy augmentations mixed with necrotic flesh, known as Necrites. Sometimes entire limbs are replaced with Mechramantic parts or sewn together out of different body parts. Because of the combination of Mechramancy, undead flesh, and vestments, it can often be difficult to discern gender.
The Scourge
The Badlands is a particularly dangerous area for mortals to die and wander in spirit form, for they risk rising as a feral form of Nectrite, known as the Scourge. These zombie-like creatures often have scraps of metal woven into their flesh, and mindlessly seek out the living to do them harm. They seem obsessed with adding more salvaged parts to their bodies.
The Grymm
There are very few Incarna to be found in the Badlands, but when they are present, they may develop bright blue veins on their skin and large smokey black markings around their eyes that emit spider-like veins. Little is known about them, and they tend to stay out of sight, pulling strings from the shadows. They are known simply as the Grymm.
Cannibals can be distinguished as often covered in blood splatters and decorated with the bones of their victims. Meat is delicious – it is life and sustenance, and people are meat. Politicians are also meat. Cannibals have a bad reputation, but are not stupid by any means. Their lifestyle is one of necessity, not hostility, and many respect their resourcefulness. Many of them are skilled healers as they understand the ways of blood and bone better than most. They are allowed to enter cities but are watched carefully and with suspicion. Most of them prefer to avoid cities anyway, which are full of loud noise, bright light, and a careless wastefulness that dulls the mind. From the cannibal’s perspective the city-dwellers are weak, for they are relying on devices to protect them that have failed before and will fail again. Cannibals are organized by Clans. While the Clans occasionally have squabbles, fighting among them is rare and they hold a Moot, a meeting of all Clans, twice a year on the Equinoxes. When cannibals travel to cities, negotiations, or to meet someone new and important it is common for the group to consist of members of several different Clans.
Throughout the Badlands there are gangs of people banding together and doing whatever is necessary to survive. Over time these have become more like families, and call themselves War Bands. These groups have managed to secure land, weapons, and resources without the city walls to protect them. Power is gained and kept by those who can hold it. Each group is fiercely loyal to their Warlord and will do anything for them. Currently Warlord Quara, Warlord Sonastr, and Warlord Gammon are the names which the trade caravans fear the most. A second in command is given the title “Val” and trusted to carry out the wishes of the Warlord and act on their behalf when necessary. One of the great Heroes of the Badlands, Val Draegan, rose to Warlord by unifying many of the outlying warbands as well as cannibals, neverthrivings, and others to defeat an invasion from Vendaeros. To call on his name as one approaches is to signify peaceful intentions like a parlay.
Badlanders wear whatever is practical, protective, and can be fashioned from whatever they can scavenge. Anything that intimidates others is also a good idea. The idea of high fashion is somewhat ridiculous to a Badlander, though they do sometimes like personal expression through clothing, generally designed to intimidate and give the clear message to others that they will not be easy prey.
The People of the Badlands are born of darkness and innovation made flesh. They are born, created, recreated, and augmented through their crafts. Their life is harsh because the land is harsh, and it is only through trial and perseverance that one gains strength. Though the area once belonged to the great land of Ondras, the Badlands itself was never a mighty empire. It was and always has been a safe haven for those who seek to escape oppression. Whatever one was before can be abandoned as one remakes themselves anew (often literally). Personal freedom is valued highly, and slavery abhorrent. Badlanders strongly identify with myths of Kannan The Maker, the mortal who learned how to ascend his form through skill, craft, and trials.
The Badlanders view outsiders with suspicion, and an airship overhead with fear. Most of the people started their life in Badlands as escaped slaves, prisoners, or people on the run seeking freedom. In older times, after the breaking of the world, the people of the Badlands had to constantly hide from Landonian airships and stay on the move to avoid capture. Later during the great slave war, when Vendaeros tried to force order on the world and crush the rebellion, undead and Necrites were viewed by the invaders as horrific and something to be destroyed. These actions created a healthy fear in the people who learned that outsiders do not understand them and will seek to destroy them in their ignorance.
Etiquette and Society
What is considered etiquette in other nations would be seen as useless and foppish within the Badlands. One is judged by their words, and the actions they take to support them. There is no need for the lies of flattery. Strength of person and character is highly valued, and showing weakness to another by kneeling or groveling could easily lead to one’s death. Because of the nature of magic and undeath, physical contact could be seen as an assault. All peaceful greetings are in the form of fist pumps, whooping sounds and assertive grunts.
Words matter, and being truthful is important. The words you use shape your will and guide your Magick or craft, and so it is believed how you speak and conduct yourself will reflect on all aspects of life. When working together, such as on an airship or in crafting interaction, Badlander speech is well thought out and precise. If you speak incorrectly, name a wrong tool or a wrong alchemy ingredient it could spell disaster. There is also a written language called Hatching, a collection of symbols commonly carved into rocks, trees, and bones along trails to communicate survival information, group affiliation, and territory claims.
First names have a wide variety of external cultural influences. Since who one is comes from what one has learned, names often indicate either clan and profession, or both. People who are a part of a clan or faction use the name of the faction as their last name. Professions or the city they live in are also used if there is no faction or clan allegiance. Sometimes the faction name and the city name can be used. If someone had no last name they would be presumed to be homeless. Examples:
- A cannibal, named Toras Bloodsong (of the Bloodsong clan)
- A raider, named Warlord Axle Saber (of the Saber Raiders)
- A city dweller blacksmith, named Hammond Smith (while within the city Relic) or Hammond Smith Relic (while traveling).
Architecture and Art
Architecture varies by location. It is common to see structures made from large bones of animals long gone, carved into rock and cave structures, and Stone or mud structures. One unifying feature all architecture has is that it is concealed from above, made to blend in with its surroundings, and reinforced against earthquakes. The small amount of art is simple and minimalistic, with flow arts and performance being far more common. Art is less something one might hang on a wall, and more about an experience, or something that can be carried along.
Food and Diet
Large cities rely on hydroponic gardening and meat from lizards is heavily traded throughout the Badlands. Red meat is rare and highly valued. Since trade is sporadic and unreliable, any food trade items are a delicacy not a necessity, and everyone in the Badlands supplements by scavenging on their own. There are a number of large insects that can be eaten, though one must learn which are poisonous. The best place to find growing food is where there are large areas of essential Ash, the main source of crop generation. Such locations are highly valued and guarded. There are a few recognized foods common to Badlanders:
Ashweed – a name for plants growing from essential ash. Though there are those who can recognize specific varieties, most don’t care and are just glad to have the food.
Flame Beetles – These make a tasty treat and can be found where mechra-magma is flowing. Make sure to remove the fire glands, lest one burns their tongue (unless one likes that sort of thing).
Cannibal Flowers – These large attractive flowers smell lovely, but are used to attract the living so they may trap and eat them. They make good food if one can eat them instead of being eaten first. These plants earned their name because they sometimes eat each other, and so are generally found alone.
Blood Bread – started by the cannibals who used bread as a way to store soaked blood for long journeys, other badlanders have found them a good source of nutrition. There are many varieties in the cities that mix herbs and spices for flavor (for those who can afford them).
Fire Lizard – an especially tasty and spicy reptile found near magma fields, their meat is tasty, and their flesh is sometimes used to make leather.
Professions and Skills
Mining, smithing, and tinkering are very common skills. Many are also professional mercenaries, body guards, or fleshwardens who travel with them. Skills are learned from the clan, or from a mentor who is willing to take on an apprentice. Frequently, membership within one of the factions is considered one’s profession. Citizens are valued for their skills, contributions and integrity above gender or social status. Any profession which aids in survival earns respect. For this reason, those who are able to learn Mechramancy are highly valued.
Full Moons are celebrated each month as a time of hunting and plenty, since the waxing light at night makes for easier hunting and survival. Dark moons are greeted with suspicion, and people tend to avoid going outside. It is traditional to place a candle in one’s doorway or window on the dark moon to offer sanctuary to any who need it, and sanctuary is always respected as a peaceful truce regardless of faction affiliation. As for formal holidays, there are two:
Requiem: Once a year in Soulfall, Badlanders celebrate this holiday to honor the dead, especially all of those who were hunted or enslaved by Vendaeros years ago. Gruesome and fearful imagery is painted onto tapestries and rocks to embrace a Badlander’s fearful nature and frighten away outsiders.
The Great Feast: This holiday falls in Lifespring and celebrates the abundance of food. Those who died over winter from starvation or exposure and came back as Risen are guests of honor in any Hall.
There is very little formal government in the Badlands, though cities have the closest semblance of governmental structure one will find. All cities have a mayor, and the explanation in the Badlands is, “A Mayor is a Warlord with walls”. Mayors lead each city with the assistance of a Council. Each Council has an elected member of each faction that is within the city walls. While voting is often held on important matters it is understood that the Mayor has final say and can overrule their Councils. Individuals are expected to arm themselves in whatever ways they deem necessary, to whatever excess, so long as what they are doing is not directly harmful to the populace. There is no standing military but there are many groups trained in combat. In case of an attack, citizens will arm themselves and fight. Individuals have a right and responsibility to be informed.
Mayors have been working on strengthening trade between cities. Calypso recently opened trade opportunities to other Nations allowing them to dock their airships. However they cannot stop the Raiders outside their walls from shooting down these airships as they arrive so this initiative has not been overly successful. Some have seen this invitation as a trap, an offer to be raided and killed rather than be greeted with hospitality.
Outside the cities, Warlords rule.
Cities are led by Mayors, however there is no written set of laws. There is no due process and ignorance is not a valid excuse for a crime. Honor and respect within one’s faction is important, and the shame of disappointing one’s faction keeps its members in check. Most factions prefer to take care of troublemakers in-house and avoid the shame of having someone who broke their rules running amok. Outside the cities, the Warlords make and enforce whatever rules they deem fit.
About the only real agreed upon common law is that slavery and control over one’s will are universally seen as abhorrent within the Badlands and will not be tolerated in any form. It is far better to kill someone than to enslave them.
War Bands
Cleave (Military-4)
Led by Warlord Quara Cleave, this band prefers axes and is known for hitting fast and hard, and taking no prisoners.
Saber (Military-3, Magical-1)
Led by Warlord Alx Saber, this powerful band is known for raiding and terrifying outsiders who might find themselves in the Badlands. They often employ magic.
Aegus (Military-3, Merchant-1)
Led by Warlord Gammon Aegus, this band has a reputation for being the most civilized warband. They are willing to trade and negotiate with those they raid, and have even been known to aid other Badlanders.
Spearheart (Military-3, Political-1)
Led by Warlord Sonastr Spearheart, this warband is known for organized campaigning and seems to have a method to their madness of raiding. Some think they are trying to organize a new form of government for the Badlands.
Flameweavers (Magic-4)
The Flameweavers handle runes, magic, rituals, and essential elements, magma being the most common available. Flameweavers can be recognized by geometric blue mana lines and patterns in their skin as blue is the color of the most powerful flame. Their organization is highly secretive about their knowledge, and wishes to foster growth and civilization within the Badlands.
Members rise in rank based on skill and ability with the weave and handling of Fire. They have Master-Apprentices relationships built within the organization. How the Master believes things to be usually has a great impact on the apprentices, as there is little cross-sharing even among other flameweavers. There are nine Grand Masters, and all of the numerous Masters were apprenticed to one of these nine. Grand Masters are secretive, wise, and immortal, with vestments that ensure they will always stand out in a crowd. They vote on matters that affect the Flameweavers, they influence the control and regulation of mana/ weave, and decide on punishments for those who misuse mana. A Master may teach anywhere, but the organization’s home is an Academy established in Relic.
Condotto (Military-4)
The Mayors of each city employ Condotto, a mercenary group which acts as guards, police, and whatever forms of muscle are needed. They place great pride in upholding contracts and honorable dealings, and are known for their paperwork. They are the closest semblance to a military presence. It is led by General Donovan Raizer and there are several Lieutenants and Captains throughout each city. Their training Academy is in Garotte.
Maker’s Guild (Merchant-4)
Makers are craftsmen and merchants, and have a guild in each city. The Maker’s Guild also boasts of having many Fleshwardens, ‘healers’ who specialize in Mechra augmentations and undead flesh. Guild leaders are elected by guild members and successful Guild leaders are almost always closely connected to the Mayors and other factions.
Neverthriving (Exploration-4)
The Neverthrivings are entertainers, informants, and spies. They are well known for having information other people might not have, and carry the news and rumors with them as they travel. A Neverthriving is welcome anywhere and can often find shelter and safety even among the more hostile groups in the wastes. They are organized by troupes and are the closest thing to democracy in the Badlands, with their troupe leaders, Maestro, being voted into position. Some well known Troupes are: Sisters of Requiem, The Copper Capriccio, Nocturne Flame. Neverthrivings often wear bird skull jewelry.
The Corramere (Exploration-3, Military-3)
The Corramere is a collection of Airship captains who all once gave their allegiance to the fearsome Admiral Zada Rhudeus, a mutated Vendare whose red wings and dark visage inspired fear and respect in many. Zada Rhudeus was part of the early Vendaeros Imperium who never left the Badlands after its invasion, naming himself “The Savior of the Badlands”. He was recently defeated in a coup and replaced by Admiral Alexander Ravenborne, a native Badlander. Those who stayed loyal to Rhuddeus were forced to leave the Coramere, and are seen as pirates, scoundrels, and a nuisance to everyone else in Eldross.
Incarna Noble Houses
Minheim-Grymm (Political-4, Exploration-2, Military-1, Magical-2)
Though most Incarana have been shunned or run out of the Badlands, this is the one House of Incarana that is respected and makes its home here. Very little is known about the Incarna of this house, except that they stay hidden and offer aid in times of dire trouble or if the Badlands is ever attacked by an outside force.
Duskfang (Political-1, Exploration-3)
Led by Shal-tar Duskfang, they are known for stealth, potions, and navigation.
Viper (Political-1, Magical-3)
Led by Raavi Viper, they are known for quick wit, innovation and clever use for magic.
Cragsmoor (Political-2, Military-1, Magical-1)
Led by Malak Cragsmoor and named for the area they live, this clan is reputed to have strong warriors and talented seers.
Bloodsong (Political-1, Exploration-2, Merchant-2)
Led by Chorli Bloodsong, this clan holds the oral storytelling tradition for themselves and all others. They are frequently the ones who will negotiate with outsiders, travel to arrange trade, and maintain the history and traditions of their people.
Before the Breaking of the World the Badlands were part of the larger continent of Ondras, and though they were growing and alive, they were the harshest part of the landscape to survive in, full of massive beasts and light seismic activity. The land was nutrient deficient and difficult for farming, so the people who lived here had similar patterns to the lifestyle now- tribal, nomadic, and resilient. There was a dormant Volcano named Mount Lakun with hot springs at its base that were once considered the best travel destination in all of the land. When the breaking struck, Mount Lakun erupted violently. A massive heat wave killed everything living within fifteen miles of the Volcano instantly, and debris from the volcano smashed housing and structures. Lakun spewed ash and magma for years and blanketed western Ondras with ash, rock debris, toxic gasses, and wildfires. The forests burned and the sky turned black. The falling ash covered everything in a blanket of gray. All of the plant life either burned or withered from lack of sunlight, and all that was left of the great beasts that once roamed the land were bones. Many of the inhabitants fled from the ash and debris by seeking shelter within reinforced cave systems. While some survivors slowly wasted away from lack of breathable air, food, or sickness, some adapted and survived and were able to help others. The few survivors were traumatized and forever altered, horrified at the physical changes they began to undergo, but determined to embrace this new strength and survive. Going back to what once existed was impossible. Adaption, strength, cunning, and survival became the only concepts that mattered.
In the decades following the eruption of Lakun, the people fled from chaos and pain to a twilight haze of ash and darkness, confused and hunted by predators. Lost, unable to recognize the faces of their kith and kin, they only knew that to be found was to die and this land would be their salvation. A large raven saw its people lost and took pity on them. It flew through the night, its wings flecked with copper adornments and glowing blue flame. As the raven flew, flecks of blue flame fell and illuminated the land around it. Where the flames landed, the predators and those who hunted them were vanquished. The People gathered to the flames in many small groups and learned cooperation. They began to see the patterns in all things. The Raven landed among its people, and its form changed. It was shaped as a mortal now, with glowing blue eyes framed in darkness, large black wings, sharp teeth and claws, and weave lines traced their skin. The Raven was pleased that its people had learned community, and now wished to teach them Innovation. The Raven saw both Weave and Umbra in all things, and taught this knowledge to the people who had been tending the flames closely. Pleased with the people, the Raven became a bird once again and contented itself with watching, feeding itself on the flesh of the fallen as this was the way of life.
The people grew and changed. The fires turned orange, bringing daylight to the Badlands, and each group adapted to life in different ways. Some learned to value all forms of sustenance, including the flesh of others. Some learned that cleverness would persevere, and learned to craft Mechra that would help them survive. Others became strong, augmenting their bodies and surroundings to fight off whatever might come at them. The people knew that to be hidden was to be safe and founded their settlements in the many Eolian cave systems throughout.
In the east, it became apparent that the shifting of the land had created a great rise of the earth in the center of Ondras, creating a massive cliff face that cut the land in two and was impossible to climb. Some tried and most never returned, yet those who did told of a city full of lights and power that shunned them. Viewed as outsiders, they were told that their home was called the “bad-lands” of Ondras, where none were allowed to go. Soon after, from the high cliffs floating craft called airships reigned terror from the skies and came to capture or kill those on the ground below. The people employed their resourcefulness, and formed a plan to take down these airships. They succeeded, and took the technology and incorporated it into their own. Thus they were prepared when the airships of Naras came to conquer and hunt them. It was a time of hunting, for the fearsome skyships used lights to hunt them down in the darkness, and only in the caves could they be safe. When these creatures did descend to the ground, they claimed they were of Vendaeros, and that a new empire was born. They demanded fealty to their emperor. They were quickly shown that the tough strong willed folk of this new land would have none of their imperialist dogma. The Vendaerosians made at best temporary efforts at control of the people, only to find them gone like shadows or planning full revolts afterwards. It became known as the time of The Culling, for mostly the weak were chased down and rounded up and killed, yet the people could not be subjugated. In the end, the invaders gave up and left. The complete distrust of outsiders was implanted in the people forever.
With the external threat gone, each group began to understand the scarcity of resources and The people turned on each other and The Culling continued. The weak were devoured and fed the strong. These were dark times, and much of the knowledge the people had was lost. After the Culling, survivors mourned the loss of the intellectual and creative endeavors, the skills and crafts of those who were seen as “weak” because they lacked physical strength. Survivors created structure and honor to their ways, and learned to value skill, integrity, and creativity as equally as they had once valued cleverness and strength. One did not have to be able-bodied to contribute value to the community. The people grew and prospered, but they knew that those who would see them destroyed were waiting for an opportunity to strike again, and that they must be ever vigilant.
Every attempt from other nations to colonize or establish strong holdings within the Badlands since has failed. Eventually, other cultures began to use the Badlands as a penal colony for prisoners and undesirables. As the years passed, the People of Badlands learned to steal magic and technology from others as well as inventing their own. They developed transport vehicles, airships, and arktech reinforced walls to protect their cities. The seeds of civilization have grown into a tenuous network of cities that brave the harsh terrain for trade and commerce. While most of the People of the Badlands have no interest in other Nations, the opportunity presented by the Nexus cannot be ignored. Various groups and factions have sent out people to see what they can find and bring new strength back to the Badlands of Ondras.